Summer’s not even over and I’m already seeing back to school pictures, so I thought I had better get a jump on remedies for you! If you start giving them the drops now, by the first day of school they will be working their magic.
My number one remedy for this time of year is:
Magic Shield is good for those little kids who are going to school for the first time. Going from the wild, barefoot and fancy-free times of being a little kid running around naked to the world of desks and timetables is a big adjustment. As well, they may have separation anxiety. This is the biggest milestone in their young lives so far. Magic Shield will give them such comfort and courage, so this new phase will feel more like a continuation of the adventure they just left.
Magic Shield is good for the shy and sensitive kids who love the summers because they get a break from the overwhelm of social interaction. Going back to school can be daunting, especially if they’re expecting to meet that old familiar bully.
(It’s a sad truth, but the bullies we adults all know and fear had to start somewhere… if only they had Goody Gum Drops!). Magic Shield will help your kids feel more calm and outgoing at school, but it will also help them on a deep constitutional level, giving them confidence and offering deep and lasting benefits.
Magic Shield is also the one for kids who aren’t shy by nature, but may have one specific fear (like being away from a new BFF they met during summer).
Photo by Valentina Akerman
Some of us are just not suited to the confinement of a classroom and a desk (raises hand as she writes this from bed:)
Until schools are able to offer more tailored lessons for the artistic, dreamy or restless kids, Smarty Plants will help them get the most out of the classroom. It enhances listening skills, integration of information, memory and most importantly, helps them to really enjoy learning.
It also gives a big boost of confidence to kids who think they’re not as smart as others or may have lost confidence since being diagnosed with ADD. We get great report cards back from parents after a semester of Smarty Plants. (If restlessness is more extreme, see Dream Boat below).
If your kids are firecrackers and don’t like going to sleep, you know their school mornings will be difficult, groggy and challenging. Dream Boat will help them gently drift off to sleep and stay asleep. Added bonus: replaces nightmares with sweet dreams, which will have them waking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
For the hyper kids who find it hard to sit still, this is also an amazing formula that won’t cause drowsiness. It just gives a calm and stable influence.

Beauty Formula No.7 was originally created for the difficult tweens/teen years when we feel awkward, unattractive and don’t have a strong sense of identity.
It’s such a delicate time-as we search for where we belong, we can compare ourselves to others and want to be more like someone else, feel shame about acne or just want to hide from the world.
This beautiful formula will help them shine, accept themselves, and protect them from unwanted influences, so they can connect to who they really are. Added bonus? Clear skin. (It works great for adults too - think I need this one!)
Kids love having their own designated Kids Rescue Remedy. That’s why I was so excited to get the First Aid Kit Mini Sprays out by August - I dreamed of every kid having one of these little sprays in their backpacks or pockets. Four sprays under the tongue will calm them immediately in times of stress, before exams or presentations in front of the class. 3 in a pack means you can divvy them up as needed for the family.
Letting your little one go out into the big world can cause worry and fear. Peaceful Worrier calms your fears and replaces them with faith, so you can imagine the best for your kids. Kids are sponges and absorb a lot of what we're feeling, so when they sense that you feel calm and worry-free, it makes them feel all the safer.
Lots of Love!