Remedies for Summer Lovers

Remedies for Summer Lovers

Dear Summer Lovers,

I'm getting ready to make my annual pilgrimage to Greece, where summer means fresh mint, local island honey, and the deeply revitalizing waters of the Aegean Sea. I get so much joy and renewal from these trips, but sometimes saying yes to anything that takes me out of my comfort zone can feel like a Herculean lift. I use flower remedies to help me feel beautiful, confident, and ready to take on new experiences. They are a gentle but powerful tool which really support living your best life.

Here's my Rx for enjoying a beautiful summer, inside and out:  

1. Wear that swimsuit you bought this spring

The sun is not our enemy - our bodies long for the nourishing warmth of Vitamin D, and our spirits are instantly lifted by the high vibration of fresh clear sunshine. 30 minutes sitting in the garden or by the pool can feel like a deep recharge, especially at this time of year. But reaching for that swimsuit, especially after a few months all bundled up, can feel... ugh.

Consider Beauty Formula No. 7 Gamine your personal glam squad. It works by easing the self-consciousness which blocks us from expressing ourselves and feeling comfortable in our own bodies. True to its name, this "Gamine" formula brings out your innate charm and spark, erasing the body shame, insecurity, and endless comparisons which deprive us of that simple joy of basking in the summer sun.

2. Find your groove and say yes to adventure

Like a lot of young people, I found it easy in my teens and twenties to say yes to life, and had an innate trust that when I stepped out, the universe would always have my back. Call it the "Ganesh high." It's that feeling that the entire world is rolling out a red carpet just for you.

But it's easy to lose touch with our confidence as we get older - we have disappointments, fears can solidify, and it's common to blame missed opportunities on external stuff like "Well, nobody bought me a first class ticket!" when really, the doubt and blocks always come from within.

I reach for Ganesh when I'm feeling self-doubt about where I can go and what I can achieve - this could be embarking on a vacation, starting a new project, or even just saying yes to a dinner invite (sometimes the most challenging of the three 😉). This confidence-booster gives you the courage to take on life, and feel incredible doing it.

3. Strike up a conversation

Social anxiety does not have to be a fact of life. In a time when our phones, Zooms, and social media are working overtime to train us away from enjoying being present with other people, it's powerful to challenge those introverted tendencies and reconnect.

Wallflower is a wonderful remedy to help you feel self-assured and outgoing when engaging with other people and the world around you. It's especially helpful when traveling alone, eating alone, or showing up anywhere that feels overwhelming at first glance. Wallflower softens fear of new faces and places, combats shyness, and gives you the gusto to open up and make new friends everywhere you go.

*Disclaimer: I am telling you from first-hand experience, you will be approached by strangers and maybe even flirted with. It’s like your cloak of invisibility is removed. Have fun with it!

4. Save room in your bag for a bottle of instant calm

I always recommend having First Aid Kit on hand, no matter where your summer takes you. It's perfect for soothing the exact kinds of emotional stress we feel when traveling, mingling, or simply managing the stresses of day-to-day life.

I no longer have fear of flying, but I still take it every few hours on long-haul flights. It gives me that extra layer of psychic protection and helps with jet-lag.

Moments of trauma, shock, and panic often come on suddenly and be utterly debilitating. A few drops of First Aid Kit can bring you right back into balance at the first signs of crisis, upset or illness.

Don't forget the kiddos: This is an especially valuable remedy for kids in summertime. Our Kids First Aid Kit is the go-to solution for little injuries, big meltdowns, and the overstimulation of summer fun. Every time I hear a baby crying on a plane, I so wish I could give the mom a bottle of First Aid Kit. It is a miracle in moments like this to quiet and soothe. (Babies can get bad ear pain from the cabin pressure).

It’s an easy, alcohol-free/side-effect-free, all-purpose remedy which can restore calm quickly.

I hope wherever this summer takes you, you feel confident, beautiful, and ready to relax in the sun. You deserve it!


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