The Holiday Gift Guide

The Holiday Gift Guide

Photo: Sophie Assa

 In our world, the best gifts are experiences. Gifting someone a flower remedy has the initial unwrapping wow of the magical little blue bottle that promises an exciting transformation. But for me, it's the joy of knowing my friend is about to embark on a fabulous, life-changing adventure from taking these drops that makes them the most fun gift to give!


Gift a Flower Remedy Experience

1. The most luxurious facial:

Beauty Formula No.8


2. A brilliant astrology, human design or psychic reading that changes your life:

Soul Purpose 


3. A 1:1 session with expert de-clutterer and organizer, Marie Kondo:

My Personal Assistant


4. A live-in nanny:



5. The most romantic dream date:

In Love


6. Your own personal on-call concierge doctor:

First Aid Kit


7. A 30-day artists retreat:



8. A tropical beach getaway:

Peaceful Worrier


9. A session with a dog whisperer:

Pet’s First Aid Kit


10. A high vibe treatment with an aromatherapy energy healer:

Sun Moon Floral Mist


11. A flower remedy shopping spree:

Alexis Smart x Agnes Baddoo Flower Sac

(to really spoil them, fill it with some flower remedies or a Sun Moon mist)



Kids love having their own little bottle of "flower drops." But when choosing remedies for kids, it can sometimes be hard to discern what is needed. Here are some helpful clues.

If your kid wants to go to Harvard:

Smarty Plants


If your kid wants to go to Hogwarts:

Magic Shield


If your kid would rather party all night:

Dream Boat


If your kid runs the show:

Goody Gum Drops


If your kid your is a kid:

First Aid Kit for Kids


And make sure that when you choose your remedies you add a product box. That way you’re giftee can read about all the benefits of their remedy (and it’s pretty!).

Happy gifting!



“Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in giving creates love.”

— Lao Tzu

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